Nicole Thornhill

Current Game: World Cup Soccer 94
Player 1: Nicole Thornhill
Player 2: Patty Wang
Player 3: Shane Cline
Player 4: Paul Xavier
Round # Game Score Points Total Points
#1 Torpedo Alley 303,690 1 1
#2 Twister 504,395,860 3 4
#3 Paragon 41,460 5 9
#4 Iron Maiden 10,506,170 1 10
#5 Rollergames 1,152,400 1 11
#6 Grand Slam 85,503 3 14
#7 Iron Man 9,642,430 5 19
#8 Class of 1812 3,924,240 5 24
#9 Deadpool 14,043,710 3 27
#10 El Dorado City of Gold 131,800 4 31
#11 Iron Man 3,769,080 5 36
#12 World Cup Soccer 94 217,684,960 5 41
#13 Johnny Mnemonic 524,854,560 7 48
#14 Cactus Canyon 5,561,750 1 49
#15 Street Fighter 2 10,935,750 1 50
#16 Robo War 3,666,660 7 57
#17 World Cup Soccer 94 1 0 57