Player #155 - Carlos DeLaSerda

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Carlos has 6 available entries

Main Best Games
The best 8 games will count toward Carlos's point total
Game Score Points
Star War Pro 3,642,637,260 97
Ghostbusters Pro 2,072,653,970 95
Centaur 3,189,940 95
Hardbody 4,375,620 90
Iron Maiden Pro 322,909,580 90
Lethal Weapon 3 124,737,180 90
Corvette 1,030,458,910 86
Foo Fighters Premium 294,063,320 81
Future Spa 361,610 78
Stranger Things 147,416,870 67
Demolition Man 527,866,620 64
Classics Best Games
The best 4 games will count toward Carlos's point total
Game Score Points
No recorded scores for this division
Womens Best Games
The best 4 games will count toward Carlos's point total
Game Score Points
No recorded scores for this division

Thursday Entries - 1 Available

Friday Entries - 1 Available

All Games
Date/Time Game Score
Apr 18, 4:13pm Demolition Man Entry Voided
Apr 18, 4:22pm Demolition Man 527,866,620
Apr 18, 4:32pm Corvette 908,841,000
Apr 18, 4:56pm Star War Pro 2,306,039,800
Apr 18, 5:03pm Ghostbusters Pro 628,167,970
Apr 18, 5:19pm Ghostbusters Pro 2,072,653,970
Apr 18, 5:37pm Stranger Things Entry Voided
Apr 18, 5:58pm Stranger Things 119,575,190
Apr 18, 6:16pm Stranger Things 147,416,870
Apr 18, 6:28pm Lethal Weapon 3 Entry Voided
Apr 18, 6:38pm Lethal Weapon 3 Entry Voided
Apr 18, 7:00pm Foo Fighters Premium 294,063,320
Apr 18, 7:36pm Foo Fighters Premium Entry Voided
Apr 18, 7:55pm Iron Maiden Pro 192,180,490
Apr 18, 8:13pm Iron Maiden Pro 322,909,580
Apr 18, 8:19pm Hardbody 4,375,620
Apr 18, 8:37pm Corvette Entry Voided
Apr 18, 8:54pm Corvette Entry Voided
Apr 18, 9:07pm Corvette Entry Voided
Apr 18, 9:14pm Jungle Queen Entry Voided
Apr 18, 9:27pm Jungle Queen Entry Voided
Apr 18, 9:34pm Jungle Queen Entry Voided
Apr 18, 9:40pm Jungle Queen Entry Voided
Apr 18, 9:50pm Future Spa 332,030
Apr 19, 2:02pm Stranger Things Entry Voided
Apr 19, 2:26pm Stranger Things Entry Voided
Apr 19, 2:45pm Centaur Entry Voided
Apr 19, 3:03pm Centaur Entry Voided
Apr 19, 3:23pm Centaur Entry Voided
Apr 19, 3:54pm Centaur 3,189,940
Apr 19, 4:12pm Corvette Entry Voided
Apr 19, 4:38pm Corvette 1,030,458,910
Apr 19, 4:54pm Corvette Entry Voided
Apr 19, 5:23pm Demolition Man Entry Voided
Apr 19, 5:51pm Lethal Weapon 3 79,495,510
Apr 19, 5:58pm Lethal Weapon 3 Entry Voided
Apr 19, 6:03pm Lethal Weapon 3 Entry Voided
Apr 19, 6:18pm Lethal Weapon 3 73,757,510
Apr 19, 6:33pm Lethal Weapon 3 84,870,620
Apr 19, 6:43pm Lethal Weapon 3 Entry Voided
Apr 19, 7:09pm Lethal Weapon 3 Entry Voided
Apr 19, 7:23pm Lethal Weapon 3 93,180,330
Apr 19, 7:34pm Lethal Weapon 3 Entry Voided
Apr 19, 7:49pm Lethal Weapon 3 124,737,180
Apr 19, 8:08pm Foo Fighters Premium Entry Voided
Apr 19, 8:43pm Foo Fighters Premium Entry Voided
Apr 19, 9:04pm Ghostbusters Pro Entry Voided
Apr 19, 9:17pm Ghostbusters Pro Entry Voided
Apr 19, 9:34pm Ghostbusters Pro Entry Voided
Apr 19, 9:50pm Ghostbusters Pro Entry Voided
Apr 19, 10:06pm Ghostbusters Pro Entry Voided
Apr 20, 11:12am Star War Pro 3,642,637,260
Apr 20, 11:29am Hardbody Entry Voided
Apr 20, 11:56am Future Spa 361,610