Player #208 - Derik Schimberg

Set Derik as a favorite

Derik has 3 available entries

Main Best Games
The best 8 games will count toward Derik's point total
Game Score Points
Lethal Weapon 3 166,306,720 95
Hardbody 3,696,830 88
Iron Maiden Pro 279,408,700 87
Centaur 2,148,310 82
Demolition Man 692,792,770 80
Ghostbusters Pro 484,507,600 74
Stranger Things 161,357,820 73
Jungle Queen 106,450 70
Stars 134,060 68
Corvette 386,369,770 49
Foo Fighters Premium 54,337,660 39
Scorpion 189,900 37
Future Spa 151,730 32
Classics Best Games
The best 4 games will count toward Derik's point total
Game Score Points
No recorded scores for this division
Womens Best Games
The best 4 games will count toward Derik's point total
Game Score Points
No recorded scores for this division

Thursday Entries - 1 Available

Friday Entries - 0 Available, 1 Entry in progress

"Friday" Entry In Progress - #216
Game Score Rank* Points*
Estimated point total at this moment: *
All Games
Date/Time Game Score
Apr 18, 3:19pm Stranger Things Entry Voided
Apr 18, 3:26pm Stranger Things Entry Voided
Apr 18, 3:35pm Stranger Things 93,317,800
Apr 18, 3:42pm Stranger Things Entry Voided
Apr 18, 4:01pm Iron Maiden Pro 279,408,700
Apr 18, 4:07pm Future Spa 28,700
Apr 18, 4:14pm Ghostbusters Pro Entry Voided
Apr 18, 4:51pm Demolition Man 215,359,210
Apr 18, 5:02pm Stranger Things Entry Voided
Apr 18, 5:11pm Stars 37,720
Apr 18, 5:35pm Foo Fighters Premium Entry Voided
Apr 18, 5:40pm Hardbody 345,400
Apr 18, 6:07pm Stranger Things 161,357,820
Apr 18, 6:15pm Corvette 177,930,990
Apr 18, 6:28pm Corvette Entry Voided
Apr 18, 6:41pm Corvette 227,620,330
Apr 18, 7:00pm Demolition Man 632,447,350
Apr 18, 7:03pm Stars 58,420
Apr 18, 7:24pm Stranger Things Entry Voided
Apr 18, 7:45pm Stranger Things Entry Voided
Apr 18, 7:50pm Demolition Man Entry Voided
Apr 18, 7:53pm Demolition Man Entry Voided
Apr 18, 7:56pm Demolition Man Entry Voided
Apr 18, 8:16pm Corvette Entry Voided
Apr 18, 8:32pm Iron Maiden Pro Entry Voided
Apr 18, 8:40pm Centaur 407,760
Apr 18, 8:49pm Ghostbusters Pro Entry Voided
Apr 19, 1:21pm Corvette Entry Voided
Apr 19, 1:27pm Ghostbusters Pro Entry Voided
Apr 19, 1:33pm Stars 134,060
Apr 19, 1:41pm Jungle Queen 106,450
Apr 19, 1:47pm Corvette 302,364,730
Apr 19, 1:51pm Demolition Man Entry Voided
Apr 19, 2:15pm Centaur 2,148,310
Apr 19, 2:50pm Scorpion 79,540
Apr 19, 3:06pm Ghostbusters Pro 39,144,050
Apr 19, 3:16pm Corvette Entry Voided
Apr 19, 3:21pm Corvette Entry Voided
Apr 19, 3:34pm Ghostbusters Pro Entry Voided
Apr 19, 3:44pm Ghostbusters Pro 51,458,330
Apr 19, 3:54pm Ghostbusters Pro 484,507,600
Apr 19, 4:13pm Lethal Weapon 3 16,006,510
Apr 19, 4:42pm Foo Fighters Premium 54,337,660
Apr 19, 4:50pm Future Spa 97,140
Apr 19, 5:01pm Future Spa Entry Voided
Apr 19, 5:15pm Foo Fighters Premium Entry Voided
Apr 19, 5:35pm Corvette 386,369,770
Apr 19, 6:03pm Foo Fighters Premium Entry Voided
Apr 19, 6:16pm Hardbody 1,201,590
Apr 19, 6:35pm Corvette Entry Voided
Apr 19, 6:45pm Scorpion 189,900
Apr 19, 6:53pm Star War Pro Entry Voided
Apr 19, 7:14pm Foo Fighters Premium Entry Voided
Apr 19, 7:27pm Star War Pro Entry Voided
Apr 19, 7:57pm Foo Fighters Premium Entry Voided
Apr 19, 8:03pm Demolition Man Entry Voided
Apr 19, 8:13pm Hardbody Entry Voided
Apr 19, 8:17pm Hardbody Entry Voided
Apr 19, 8:26pm Hardbody Entry Voided
Apr 19, 8:40pm Hardbody Entry Voided
Apr 19, 8:46pm Hardbody Entry Voided
Apr 19, 8:51pm Hardbody Entry Voided
Apr 19, 8:57pm Hardbody Entry Voided
Apr 19, 9:04pm Future Spa 151,730
Apr 19, 9:14pm Star War Pro Entry Voided
Apr 19, 9:26pm Hardbody 3,696,830
Apr 20, 9:03am Demolition Man Entry Voided
Apr 20, 9:08am Demolition Man Entry Voided
Apr 20, 9:10am Demolition Man Entry Voided
Apr 20, 9:15am Demolition Man Entry Voided
Apr 20, 9:24am Demolition Man 692,792,770
Apr 20, 9:55am Foo Fighters Premium Entry Voided
Apr 20, 10:14am Corvette Entry Voided
Apr 20, 10:48am Foo Fighters Premium Entry Voided
Apr 20, 11:04am Corvette Entry Voided
Apr 20, 11:24am Lethal Weapon 3 Entry Voided
Apr 20, 11:45am Lethal Weapon 3 166,306,720