Player #215 - Whayne T Rouse

Set Whayne T as a favorite

Whayne T has 1 available entry

Main Best Games
The best 8 games will count toward Whayne T's point total
Game Score Points
Ghostbusters Pro 264,570,490 61
Star War Pro 513,679,130 59
Centaur 1,122,860 55
Jungle Queen 86,720 54
Corvette 325,805,380 47
Stars 79,720 37
Hardbody 742,760 37
Scorpion 141,940 28
Iron Maiden Pro 20,988,980 26
Lethal Weapon 3 15,568,930 21
Stranger Things 33,966,320 17
Demolition Man 159,767,420 15
Future Spa 99,600 15
Classics Best Games
The best 4 games will count toward Whayne T's point total
Game Score Points
Target Pool 6,082 79
Sinbad 175,510 63
Mystic 221,270 46
Suspense 2,804 45
Womens Best Games
The best 4 games will count toward Whayne T's point total
Game Score Points
No recorded scores for this division

Thursday Entries - 1 Available

Friday Entries - 1 Available

All Games
Date/Time Game Score
Apr 18, 4:58pm Centaur 1,122,860
Apr 18, 5:18pm Scorpion 141,940
Apr 18, 5:42pm Stars 40,500
Apr 18, 5:51pm Jungle Queen 68,490
Apr 18, 6:16pm Ghostbusters Pro 264,570,490
Apr 18, 6:52pm Jungle Queen 86,720
Apr 18, 6:58pm Star War Pro 513,679,130
Apr 18, 7:22pm Stranger Things 33,966,320
Apr 18, 7:34pm Iron Maiden Pro 20,988,980
Apr 18, 7:43pm Target Pool 6,082
Apr 18, 7:47pm Suspense 2,170
Apr 18, 7:53pm Sinbad 175,510
Apr 18, 7:56pm Mystic 108,900
Apr 18, 9:21pm Stars 40,680
Apr 18, 9:25pm Stars Entry Voided
Apr 18, 9:31pm Stars 73,700
Apr 18, 9:52pm Jungle Queen Entry Voided
Apr 19, 1:48pm Iron Maiden Pro Entry Voided
Apr 19, 1:52pm Future Spa 99,600
Apr 19, 2:39pm Corvette 325,805,380
Apr 19, 2:49pm Hardbody 742,760
Apr 19, 5:18pm Suspense Entry Voided
Apr 19, 5:26pm Stars Entry Voided
Apr 19, 5:40pm Suspense 2,804
Apr 19, 5:45pm Demolition Man 159,767,420
Apr 19, 5:52pm Mystic Entry Voided
Apr 19, 6:08pm Mystic 221,270
Apr 19, 6:16pm Future Spa Entry Voided
Apr 19, 6:21pm Hardbody Entry Voided
Apr 19, 6:27pm Hardbody Entry Voided
Apr 20, 9:28am Stars 79,720
Apr 20, 9:50am Lethal Weapon 3 8,084,230
Apr 20, 10:05am Lethal Weapon 3 11,327,960
Apr 20, 10:18am Lethal Weapon 3 15,568,930
Apr 20, 10:58am Future Spa Entry Voided