Player #223 - Trent Augenstein

Set Trent as a favorite

Trent has 1 available entry

Main Best Games
The best 8 games will count toward Trent's point total
Game Score Points
Centaur 4,015,200 100
Scorpion 1,418,300 87
Stars 181,730 87
Stranger Things 191,408,880 83
Lethal Weapon 3 100,147,330 81
Foo Fighters Premium 256,475,660 79
Jungle Queen 115,250 76
Iron Maiden Pro 134,878,550 60
Demolition Man 246,456,060 34
Star War Pro 168,456,220 32
Hardbody 644,550 26
Future Spa 81,170 6
Classics Best Games
The best 4 games will count toward Trent's point total
Game Score Points
No recorded scores for this division
Womens Best Games
The best 4 games will count toward Trent's point total
Game Score Points
No recorded scores for this division

Thursday Entries - 1 Available

Friday Entries - 1 Available

All Games
Date/Time Game Score
Apr 18, 6:31pm Demolition Man 246,456,060
Apr 18, 6:50pm Centaur 1,170,320
Apr 18, 6:54pm Future Spa 81,170
Apr 18, 7:12pm Stranger Things 100,271,380
Apr 18, 7:16pm Hardbody 644,550
Apr 18, 7:22pm Centaur Entry Voided
Apr 18, 7:31pm Stars 181,730
Apr 18, 7:57pm Scorpion 1,418,300
Apr 18, 8:13pm Lethal Weapon 3 19,470,730
Apr 18, 8:25pm Lethal Weapon 3 35,925,520
Apr 18, 8:32pm Lethal Weapon 3 Entry Voided
Apr 18, 9:58pm Foo Fighters Premium 139,673,000
Apr 19, 2:12pm Future Spa Entry Voided
Apr 19, 2:23pm Corvette Entry Voided
Apr 19, 2:35pm Ghostbusters Pro Entry Voided
Apr 19, 2:43pm Jungle Queen 31,760
Apr 19, 3:16pm Iron Maiden Pro 134,878,550
Apr 19, 3:30pm Star War Pro 168,456,220
Apr 19, 3:47pm Stranger Things Entry Voided
Apr 19, 4:09pm Stranger Things Entry Voided
Apr 19, 4:30pm Corvette Entry Voided
Apr 19, 4:45pm Lethal Weapon 3 48,520,270
Apr 19, 5:00pm Jungle Queen 67,940
Apr 19, 5:11pm Jungle Queen 115,250
Apr 19, 5:47pm Foo Fighters Premium 256,475,660
Apr 19, 6:06pm Stranger Things Entry Voided
Apr 19, 6:29pm Stranger Things 137,428,350
Apr 19, 6:36pm Lethal Weapon 3 Entry Voided
Apr 19, 6:49pm Lethal Weapon 3 100,147,330
Apr 19, 6:59pm Centaur Entry Voided
Apr 19, 7:13pm Centaur Entry Voided
Apr 19, 7:48pm Centaur 4,015,200
Apr 19, 8:11pm Stranger Things 148,508,640
Apr 19, 8:34pm Stranger Things Entry Voided
Apr 19, 8:50pm Stranger Things Entry Voided
Apr 19, 9:03pm Stranger Things Entry Voided
Apr 19, 9:17pm Stranger Things Entry Voided
Apr 19, 9:33pm Stranger Things Entry Voided
Apr 19, 9:56pm Stranger Things 191,408,880
Apr 20, 9:27am Iron Maiden Pro Entry Voided
Apr 20, 10:03am Foo Fighters Premium Entry Voided
Apr 20, 10:27am Foo Fighters Premium Entry Voided
Apr 20, 10:56am Foo Fighters Premium Entry Voided
Apr 20, 11:28am Foo Fighters Premium Entry Voided