Player #125 - Douglas Salamon

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Main Best Games
The best 12 games will count toward Douglas's point total
Game Score Points
Jaws (Night Rider) 117,910 85
Wild Fyre 249,780 79
Led Zeppelin 17,634,690 62
Sure Shot 67,780 57
Foo Fighters 88,968,360 55
Jaws 79,982,140 49
Lost World 59,090 47
Bow and Arrow 50,920 46
Star Trek 10,363,760 43
Jackbot 328,828,020 34
Atlantis 14,020 22
Aerosmith 1,844,200 19
# of used entries: 12
# of available entries: 0
Womens Best Games
The best 4 games will count toward Douglas's point total
Game Score Points
No recorded scores for this division