Player #133 - Marty Debobes

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Main Best Games
The best 12 games will count toward Marty's point total
Game Score Points
Jaws (Night Rider) 94,600 82
Wild Fyre 209,040 73
Lost World 136,540 72
High Speed 1,354,290 71
Jackbot 617,490,860 49
Flash 106,600 45
Sure Shot 44,350 40
Pinball Pool 167,050 40
Atlantis 23,960 40
Aerosmith 7,142,710 35
Demo Man 97,008,340 30
Bow and Arrow 39,430 26
# of used entries: 12
# of available entries: 0
Womens Best Games
The best 4 games will count toward Marty's point total
Game Score Points
No recorded scores for this division