Player #170 - Kaite Martin

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Main Best Games
The best 12 games will count toward Kaite's point total
Game Score Points
Jackbot 1,921,130,200 82
Wild Fyre 198,510 72
Congo 731,430,230 72
Atlantis 35,470 62
Aerosmith 39,078,520 59
Demo Man 284,332,180 57
Pinball Pool 216,590 56
Bow and Arrow 53,590 53
Led Zeppelin 10,839,600 52
Jaws (Night Rider) 33,530 45
Sure Shot 33,510 33
Flash 50,980 27
# of used entries: 12
# of available entries: 0
Womens Best Games
The best 4 games will count toward Kaite's point total
Game Score Points
Expo (Buccaneer EM) 95,080 90
Star Wars 513,811,290 85
Deadpool 432,397,750 84
Hardbody 594,480 79
# of used entries: 12
# of available entries: 0