Player #193 - Harry Kottek

Set Harry as a favorite

Main Best Games
The best 12 games will count toward Harry's point total
Game Score Points
Bow and Arrow 144,550 90
Flash 239,700 70
Lost World 134,390 70
Jackbot 1,067,704,370 70
High Speed 974,000 69
Sure Shot 55,820 47
Star Trek 7,779,110 40
Atlantis 23,640 39
Demo Man 105,231,280 32
Pinball Pool 135,330 30
Led Zeppelin 2,163,210 23
Wild Fyre 34,080 18
# of used entries: 12
# of available entries: 0
Womens Best Games
The best 4 games will count toward Harry's point total
Game Score Points
No recorded scores for this division