Player #199 - Bryon Estes

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Main Best Games
The best 12 games will count toward Bryon's point total
Game Score Points
Flash 517,370 85
High Speed 2,252,130 82
Star Trek 122,142,560 81
Led Zeppelin 18,898,220 65
Lost World 87,800 59
Jaws (Night Rider) 38,290 59
Sure Shot 68,090 59
Jackbot 795,069,520 58
Demo Man 194,920,800 41
Congo 165,838,350 40
Pinball Pool 157,820 36
Atlantis 22,170 36
# of used entries: 12
# of available entries: 0
Womens Best Games
The best 4 games will count toward Bryon's point total
Game Score Points
No recorded scores for this division